Workshops Underline Value of FM In Low Carbon Economy

The underlying theme of the recently concluded Global FM International Workshops stressed the role of facilities management in tackling the new economy’s biggest challenges. During the event, more than 70 attendees gathered in Canberra’s Convention Centre to listen to a panel of facility management speakers including Teena Shouse (Associate at FEA, Global FM Chair), Val Moraes (Managing Director Gregmore Group, Chair FMANZ), Lionel Prodgers (Founder and Director of Agents4RM International), Gene Mcglyyn (Assistant Secretary Building and Government Energy Efficiency Branch Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency), and Neal Wood (FMA Australia 2011 Facility Manager of the Year). Duncan Waddell (Managing Director FM Intelligence), Global FM’s Board member, moderated the discussion.

The different presentations touched upon the difficulty in adapting to the new low carbon economy not only in Australia, but in other countries as well. Gene Mcglyyn explained that energy efficiency needs to become the core business of all sectors of activity in Australia and in the world. This will require a drastic change in culture and way of doing business, but facility managers (fms) could take this opportunity to show how they can help companies reduce their carbon emissions.

Lionel Prodgers regretted that in the U.K., fms are being bypassed by account executives and sustainability managers. New positions have been created to deal with the energy efficiency and the low carbon regulatory requirements, but fms have been doing this same job for a long time.

Neal Wood shared his experience in Brisbane and indicated that educating people is a fundamental thing to do to shift to the new low carbon economy. Everybody has a responsibility in this transition, highlighted the fm of the year in Australia.

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