Friday Funny: Decoding Cyberjargon


You’ve heard of modern marvels, right? Well now there is a phenomenon of modern maladies sweeping through the computer based world we call 2009. In order to help keep its visitors up with the times, FacilityBlog brings you this glossary of terms that apply to today’s techno-times. It’s an oldie but a goodie from New Scientist, by way of Peter SJF Bance.

Blog Streaking: Revealing secrets of a personal nature online, which for everybody’s sake would best be kept private. (Some people just crave attention.)

Cyberchondria: A headache and a particular rash at the same time. Extensive research on the Internet convinces you it’s terminal.

Egosurfing: When “just checking” gets out of control. (James T. Kirk would be a good example.)

Google stalking: Snooping online on old friends, colleagues, or first dates (or former failed colleagues who were less than ideal co-workers).

Infornography: Acquiring and sharing information is an addiction. (No comment.)

MySpace impersonation: Many of us pretend to be somebody we are not when online, but some pretend to be a famous personality. (Not me, of course….)

Photolurking: Flicking through a photo album belonging to someone you have never met.

Powerpointlessness: One too many flashy slides. (I love this one!)

Wikipediholism: Excessive devotion to an online collaborative encyclopedia. (No comment again.)

YouTube narcissism: Not even your closest friend wants to see your holiday videos.

Check for the last Wiki condition here.

This Friday Funny is in honor of Liz Davidson.


  1. Here’s one: Power Point Rangers. When I worked in the Dept of Defense some power point presentations would be 150 pages. Military people who made these up were called power point rangers. One guy opened one with 3 inspirational quotes – in one of the quotes he quoted himself. The arrogance was stifling to say the least.

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